Friday, 10 July 2009

Sue Roberts

Sue Roberts with Sitting Woman no. 1

Following on from my exploration and interest in womanliness I am presenting both 2D and 3D works. I find for me one thing informs the other. It is in the study of form I try to include both an idea and a feeling in the clay and this then is reworked in brushstroke and surface in 2D.

I teach drawing and often draw small fast works looking to record an emotion or a thought from a position and a posture. The idea of womanliness has been investigated since people first started to record and explore their ideas in form and image from the early Venus figurines and cave
markings. Throughout the history of Art, myths and legends have represented woman as a symbol. I am interested in how these ideas are passed to the viewer without words but through form and surface. My process of working involves reading, research, working in clay or other 3D material, sketching and painting.

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