Friday, 10 July 2009

Kay Keogh

Kay Keogh with Metropolis

My paintings focus on the subject of urban landscape and the
people within it. Photography is an essential tool in my painting and has played a vital part in finding this subject. Due to the fast pace and speed of urban life, I have chosen to use photography, as this has given me a chance to study city life through snap shots. This has
created an opportunity for me to view the urban life at a stand still. I am intrigued by the anonymous people I photograph and question who they are and what they are doing. As I was not always able to achieve the photographic angles that I wanted from life, I also experimented with the use of small plastic figures and shadow to recreate a model city to photograph from above. I use a combination of the model and real urban photographs and drawings as a source to create my paintings. In my paintings I have attempted to place the spectator in the position of an outside observer in order to allow them to experience the same sense of separateness and distance that I feel when taking the photograph.

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