Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Jean Francis

There is a long standing tradition of artists making self portraits. Of course they aren’t a commercial proposition unless the artist is famous - and dead! In a self portrait one can be merciless, take as long as is needed, and, most importantly - explore and experiment.

1) Photograph of a charcoal pencil self portrait drawing done over a period of three weeks.

2) Ink drawing (with stick pen, broad nib) Done very quickly.

3) First cut and proof of lino block print.

Cutting the white areas and leaving the black is so different to drawing black onto white that it can be inhibiting. I cut it rapidly so as to come as close as possible to the frenzy of the ink drawing (frenzied- because working from life, holding the pad, and splashing the ink about does not make for a reposeful kind of drawing). After proof printing I cut into the block again and printed the final version. The self portrait, aged and lined, contrasts with the face of the sleek and enigmatic cat. I thought of calling it Beauty and the Beast, the cat (beast) being, in this case, the beauty.

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